Guided group tours

How Cultured Travel Saved 20 Hours Per Tour with Fieldbook

Discover how boutique tour operator Cultured Travel transformed their operations, reclaiming 20 hours per tour using Fieldbook.

Public and Private Multi-Day Tours
Key Features:
Tour Logistics and Guide Management
Cultured Travel team
20 hoursTime saved per tour
x10Boost in Tour Operations Efficiency
2 daysTime saved preparing tour documents

The Challenge

Cultured Travel was swamped with too many spreadsheets. Every tour had its own spreadsheet, plus separate spreadsheets for who was staying where and who was booked on what. Trying to find information buried within those spreadsheets took a lot of time and made it hard to be sure things were right.

When a guest or supplier inquired about a tour, finding the answer meant digging through a maze of spreadsheets, emails, and documents. And before a tour could start, all that scattered information had to be put together in one comprehensive document for guides, which took days of work.

As Cultured Travel got busier, it was clear their old way of doing things wasn’t sustainable. They had a small team, and they needed a better system that let them focus on helping customers and selling more tours, instead of digging through spreadsheets.

We needed a simpler, more efficient way to manage tours, freeing us to focus on growing the business.
JewelFounder of Cultured Travel

The Solution

Cultured Travel’s search for efficiency led them to Fieldbook during an industry webinar. Fieldbook’s intuitive interface and straightforward functionality mirrored their operational needs but with far greater efficiency.

For Cultured Travel, a small and growing business, it was crucial to find a solution that was easy to start using right away. Fieldbook was just that. In just a few weeks, they were fully on board, ready to use Fieldbook for their tours the next month. Fieldbook brought everything together in one place, making all tour-related details easy to find and understand at a glance.

Creating guide documents, a task that used to take days, became a matter of seconds with Fieldbook. Jewel simply had to click to download the guide document, and instantly, all the necessary information was compiled into a neat, comprehensive guide. This feature was a game-changer, streamlining their operations significantly.

”Fieldbook gave us hours back each week and, importantly, freed up my headspace to focus on our strategic priorities” says Jewel

Fieldbook itinerary building and calendar tool

The Result

Fieldbook transformed Cultured Travel’s approach to tour management, saving them 20 hours per tour previously lost to administrative tasks. This efficiency gain allowed Jewel to redirect her focus towards enhancing customer experiences and growing the business.

Thanks to Fieldbook, we’re now spending less time on logistics and more on what truly matters: our customers and delivering unforgettable experiences
JewelFounder of Cultured Travel

Fieldbook Features Used

Package & itinerary builder

Fieldbook supplier requests

An integrated workspace eliminates the need for manual data entry, promoting automation and boosting productivity.

One-click documents

Fieldbook beautiful trip proposal

Generate tour documents with a single click, saving you time and ensuring the accuracy of information

Supplier & staff management

Fieldbook staff management

Timely notifications and alerts reduce errors and ensure consistency, helping you avoid costly mistakes.

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